Google launched its final version of Android 11 on September 8, 2020. Now, Samsung’s Galaxy S20 family has started getting the latest OS update based on One UI 3.0 beta. Samsung Galaxy M30, M30s, and M31 users are worried whether they will get to experience the new Android 11 or not. According to Samsung software policy, for all devices, no matter if it’s premium or budget, two major OS upgrades are provided to all of them. Let’s see how many M30 series devices are eligible for Android 11 (One UI 3.0) and see if you are lucky.
Will the Samsung Galaxy M30 Get Android 11?
Samsung Galaxy M30 is the first smartphone in its series and was launched in February 2019. The device was launched with Android 8.1 Oreo and runs on Android 10. If we look into Samsung’s software policy, the M30 is not eligible for Android 11 as it has exhausted its two quotas. But it will get the monthly security patches and minor updates.
Talking about the device specs, the Galaxy M30 has a 6.4-inch Super AMOLED screen and is powered by an Exynos 7904 Octa-core processor. The device has RAM up to 6GB and internal storage up to 128 GB. It has a triple setting rear camera witprimarymain camera of 13MP and a 16MP for selfies. Also, it has a massive battery of 5000 mAh with Fast charging of 15W.
Will Samsung Galaxy M30s Get Android 11?
The second phone in the series is Galaxy M30s, launched in September 2019. The M30s came with pre-installed Android 9.0 Pie, and at the moment, it is running on Android 10. Since it was only upgraded once from Android 9 to Android 10, it still has one major OS upgrade left. So, according to policy, Galaxy M30s may be eligible for the Android 11 update.
The device boasts a massive 6.4-inch Super AMOLED display and runs an Exynos 9611 (10nm) Octa-core processor. The M30s has RAM up to 6GB and a storage capacity up to 128GB. The rear camera has a triple camera style with a primary camera of 48MP and a 16MP front camera. On top of it, it is fueled by a 6000 mAh battery with Fast charging of 15W.
Will Samsung Galaxy M31 Get Android 11?
Galaxy M31 is the successor to the M30 and M30s. It was launched in February 2020 and came with the pre-installed Android 10 out of the box. This device is good news since it hasn’t been updated once and has two major OS upgrades left. So, as per policy, it will be eligible for Android 11 and probably Android 12, too, whenever it launches.
The M31 has a display of 6.4 inches, and for performance, it has the Samsung personal chipset, the Exynos 9611 Octa-core processor. It has a single RAM variant of 6GB and internal storage up to 128GB. Moreover, it has a quad-camera setup with a primary camera of 64MP and a 32MP for selfie lovers. A massive 6000 mAh battery is there to keep you entertained without any interruption. It also supports 15W Fast charging.
Samsung has not officially announced the devices mentioned above’ Android 11 status. We made these assumptions based solely on the company’s previous software update track record and policy. So be ready to expect some changes, and don’t lose hope. Until then, we will keep tracking Samsung’s Android 11 (One UI 3.0) status and will let you know if the company makes any changes. Let us know in the comments about your thoughts on it. Till then, stay safe.
Samsung Galaxy m30 please sir android 11
Samsung Galaxy m30 update 11 please sir
Galaxy m30 vartion android 11 update date…..?
Hello sir please android 11
Samsung Galaxy m30 update 11 please sir update now