iOS 16 was announced in June 2022, as usual, at WWDC. It introduced new design elements to iOS. Notably, you have a revamped lock screen with granular customization options.
The ability to change fonts, pick a color palette, and swap between lock screens depending on the set focus mode is good, both design-wise and in terms of practicality.
iOS 16 also added much-requested features like a battery percentage indicator at the top right and haptics on the native Apple keyboard. iMessage has the ability to edit and delete messages.
It also added Live Text for videos and a new drag-and-drop feature. Using AI, your phone intelligently detects the subject of a photo and crops it out. iOS is no longer a basic operating system.
The number of features added to iOS is increasing every year. The gap between features when comparing iOS against Android is rapidly closing yearly. However, the optimization and reliability of iOS are falling.
iOS 16 is one of the buggiest iOS launches ever. There are minor visual bugs like wallpapers or widgets disappearing or janky UI and significant bugs like app crashes and random device crashes.
One of the more severe bugs is a green tint on the display and screen flicker problems. There are reports of broken AirDrop functionality and random disconnection of Wi-Fi, too.
According to the latest reports, notifications are not appearing as they should on iOS 16.2. With iOS 16, Apple moved the notifications to the bottom of your screen, and they come in a stack. This new system groups your notifications slightly better than before.
iPhone blank or empty notifications issue
Unfortunately, the implementation lacks good optimization since many people across media platforms like Reddit report problems with notifications on iOS 16.2.
Reports go back to the stable iOS 16 launch. So, people expected a fix with later software updates. But even the newest iOS 16.2 does not solve this problem, and the phone still displays empty or blank notifications.
Some claim that all the builds after iOS 16.1 have solved this issue, but it persists for others. Given the several new reports, we cannot conclude that the problem no longer persists.
Some people on Reddit assume that the problems are caused due to improper and poorly tuned Always On Display. The problem is not limited to the iPhone 14 Pro or 14 Pro Max. We can see this problem across all supported iPhones that run the latest iOS 16.2 software.
For iPhone 14 Pro or Pro Max users, this problem happens when transitioning from AOD to the lock screen.
The bug primarily affects messaging tools like WhatsApp, Telegram, or the native Message app. While notifications appear blank on the lock screen, clicking them still takes you to the app that sent the notification.
Potential Workarounds
There are some potential solutions to this. You can try clearing out all the affected apps from your memory individually. Or, you can clear the app switcher and restart your iPhone to clear the cache memory and reset the RAM.
If you have the 14 Pro or Pro Max, turning off Always On Display from the Display & Brightness page in the Settings app should solve the issue. Apple has not officially acknowledged the problem, and we do not expect them to do so since the company does not publicly acknowledge bugs.
However, we hope the developers are aware of the problem and are working on a solution since seeing blank notifications from messaging apps on such expensive devices can get incredibly annoying. We’ll update you on any further news about the issue of the blank notifications.