Google, the Android operating system maker, has been making smartphones for a while. Initially, the company collaborated with other corporations to make their phones. However, in 2016, Google started to design their phone’s body alongside the software. The first smartphone designed and made by Google was the Google Pixel.
The original Google Pixel was fairly successful, and now we’re in the 8th generation. However, the latest Google Pixel seems to have some issues with its display. The phones supposedly get a green tint or green screen in some units. The problem is persistent mainly in the latest Pixel 8. However, it has also affected other devices like Pixel 7a, Pixel 7, and Pixel 8 Pro. It has been said to start with the Android 14 update.
Although the company officially addressed the problem in November 2023 for the Pixel 7 Pro, the issue persisted for many. After that, the company announced another fix in the March security patch for the other models mentioned above. Still, reports continue to occur even after the April security patch. This implies that the March security update could not completely solve the problem for all the affected units.
This is not the first quality control issue with Pixels to be reported. On the contrary, there are several software issues, like storage accessibility issues, which cause apps to crash. There were also hardware issues with the screens.
Potential Workaround
While the annoyed users waited for an official fix, they found a bizarre workaround. It involves squeezing the bottom half of the display, which causes the issue to disappear temporarily.
This bizarre method of fixing hints at a problem in the hardware rather than the software. This also explains why Google’s OTA updates in an attempt to resolve the issue are going in vain. This means the affected users likely have no fix other than claiming their phone’s warranty to fix the issue.
Some report that squeezing it is only a temporary fix. After a while, the issue might resurface. We hope it’s not widespread and that Google will take action accordingly.
However, the number of reports isn’t enough to categorize this as a large-scale issue. Hence, it’s also possible that these are defective units missed by quality control testing. Google did not officially acknowledge the problem. As a result, we cannot determine whether Google will issue a fix via a software update. The reports are also not specific to one model, though the Pixel 8 seems to have the highest number.
There’s also a chance that the timing of the update and the phone developing green tint issues are coincidental. We can’t co-relate the two since either heat or other factors might have caused the display to give way and develop problems.
It’s mostly a hardware issue from the panel supplier. In most cases, the official service centers will replace the display panel free of cost. In other cases, you might have to pay for a display replacement, but display issues that the user isn’t responsible for are typically covered by warranty.