WABetaInfo recently announced that WhatsApp is working on a new, much-anticipated feature called Companion Mode. WABetaInfo spotted this in the latest WhatsApp beta version
Using WhatsApp on a tablet device has always been a hassle. Currently, WhatsApp allows connecting only up to four devices with a single account, none of which can be a tablet. This is exactly where Companion Mode is going to come in handy. With Companion Mode, users can link their WhatsApp account to a different phone or tablet. This means the arrival of the official support for tablets in WhatsApp.
Screenshots show users can locate the feature inside WhatsApp Settings > Linked Devices. Note that this feature is still in beta. Hence, it can’t be accessed right now.
- Image Credit: WABetaInfo
Here is how Companion Mode is going to work
Companion Mode will allow users to pair a tablet with their WhatsApp account and work on the tablet, similar to how WhatsApp Web works on a laptop or desktop computer. On WhatsApp Web, users do not need their phone to be connected or to have an active internet connection once they have logged into their account on any supported device. The same is going to be the case with Companion Mode. Users would only require an internet connection on their phones to sync their chats. After that, they can continue using WhatsApp on their tablet, just like on their phone.
Is Companion Mode going to be available for all platforms?
We know that Companion Mode has only been spotted for Android tablets. So, whether this feature will be available for iPads is unclear. However, users can use this feature to connect an Android tablet to their WhatsApp account, even if configured on an iPhone.
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