Samsung launched the Galaxy Enhance-X app a while ago. It was available exclusively to the Galaxy S23 series in its early phases. But recently, the support for running this app has also been extended to several other Galaxy lineups.
What is Galaxy Enhance-X App?
Galaxy Enhance-X is an image editor for Samsung Galaxy devices. It uses artificial intelligence to get rid of imperfections and enhance how your photos look. For example, if you captured a picture that turned out a little blurry, you can head into the Galaxy Enhance-X app to fix it with just a button. However, let us say you do not like the look of this auto-fixed photo. Alternatively, you can also choose to enhance certain aspects of the image. Not just that, you can also use it to fix photos that were captured on any other device, regardless of the brand. In short, it can be used for any image.
The Enhance-X App is available to these Galaxy devices
You can now use the app on the following Galaxy devices.
- Samsung Galaxy S23, S23 Plus, S23 Ultra
- Samsung Galaxy S22, S22 Plus, S22 Ultra
- Samsung Galaxy S21, S21 Plus, S21 Ultra
- Samsung Galaxy S20, S20 Plus, S20 Ultra
- Samsung Galaxy Note 20, Note 20 Ultra
- Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 4
- Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 3
- Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2
- Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 4
- Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 3
- Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5G
- Samsung Galaxy Z Flip
As you can observe, only the flagship devices currently support the app. But, in April, the company claimed that Galaxy Enhance-X would soon be available on lower-end devices. These include, but are not limited to, devices from the Galaxy A lineup, Galaxy F lineup, and Galaxy M lineup. We have yet to see the app being released for Galaxy Tabs.
In addition to this, we can also expect Galaxy Enhance-X to be compatible with the Galaxy Z Fold 5 and the Galaxy Z Flip 5. Both of these constitute the 5th generation of Samsung foldables. We may see them around late July, likely in the last week.
The app is available to download on the devices mentioned above only from the Samsung Galaxy Store, the additional app store most Samsung devices come shipped with.