iOS 17 was announced in June 2023 and has been in Beta until September. On 18 September 2023, all eligible iPhones got the iOS 17 update. All the models after the iPhone XR (including the iPhone XR) got the update. All models before the iPhone X were discontinued so they wouldn’t get support for major iOS updates.
iOS 17 was a minor but practical update. The update adds interactive widgets, call screen customization, much better autocorrect for the first-party keyboard, StandBy Mode, and more.
The update also adds Live Stickers and swipe to reply for iMessage and NameDrop. However, Apple reserves some features, new emojis, and other such changes for the minor iOS 17 dot updates. For example, end-to-end iCloud encryption and Security Keys were added later.
For iOS 17, the Journal app is coming later this year with a minor update. Similarly, we’ll also get new emojis with one of the updates. With the iOS 16.4 update, there were 31 new emojis. We got the pink and light blue heart, a shaking face, donkey, moose, goose, wing, jellyfish, hyacinth, pea pod, maracas, ginger, flute, goose, and blackbird.
The Unicode Consortium is responsible for developing and maintaining international standards of software. This organization is also responsible for approving the addition of new emojis. The organization approved new emojis for smartphones in 2024.
Unicode is an international character encoding standard, and Unicode 15.1 approves several new emojis. Many people expected new emojis with the iOS 17 update, but that didn’t happen. We’ll get them in future updates, probably early next year. Unicode 15.1 also adds some non-emoji characters for use in China. iOS follows its emoji style. So it’ll take Apple a couple of months to properly design and add the new emojis to iOS. The Unicode 15.1 update is more minor in scale than a typical update.
If you add all the skin tone variants, you’ll get 118 new emojis with a future iOS 17 update (iOS 17.4?).
List of the New Emojis Coming to Future iOS 17 Update
- Horizontal shaking head
- Vertical shaking head
- Phoenix
- Lime
- Edible brown mushroom
- A broken chain.
There are also some new gender-neutral family emojis and emojis of combinations of people:
- Two adults and a child
- An adult and two children
- An adult and a child
- Two adults and two children
New People Emojis:
- A person walking turning to the right side
- A person running facing the right side
- A person kneeling facing the right side
- A person with a white cane facing the right
- A person in a manual wheelchair facing the right
- A person in a motorized wheelchair facing the right