Discovery Station on Apple Music Not Working Properly for Some Users

Apple Music is one of the most popular music streaming platforms. It has several distinctive features, but one thing that makes it stand out from the rest is the exceptional music quality. You get an extensive collection of songs to stream to take advantage of this quality.

And to discover more of the songs you like, there is the Discovery Station feature. This feature was introduced in Apple Music only last week. But it seems like it is not quite polished just yet.

After launching the Discovery Station on Apple Music, many people have started posting about it online. Some seem to be happy with it, but most do not.

Several reports have stated that the algorithm for the feature is not quite good. Some users have noticed that it mostly plays the songs already in their library and barely suggests new songs. And the ones it does are often not of the user’s taste. Some users also get recommendations from totally different genres of music.

However, some users state otherwise. Moreover, according to Apple, Discovery Station is only supposed to play new songs based on your liking. So, we can conclude that it is most likely a bug some users face. We hope Apple fixes it soon, nevertheless.

Discovery Station report

While all of this is going on the one hand, some people have an entirely different problem on the other hand. The Discovery Station feature is not available to them in Apple Music altogether.

Initially, there was a doubt that this feature may not have been rolled out to several regions. But that was later debunked by others claiming they got it even though they were in the same region.

Furthermore, some users even said they saw the feature once, but it disappeared. All in all, this is one more thing Apple has to fix soon.

Zaid is a tech writer at DealNTech, passionate about exploring and researching new gadgets and helping readers easily understand their features. He specializes in testing PC issues and staying up-to-date on the latest PC news. Email: [email protected].

2 thoughts on “Discovery Station on Apple Music Not Working Properly for Some Users”

  1. It worked great for me in the beginning. I was discovering new music and new bands. I was in love! But like any relationship, things quickly soured as last week it suddenly started playing music from my playlists with only an odd new song showing up about once an hour. The algorithm acts like our personal Music Mix station instead of the Discovery Station.


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