Snapdragon X Elite Faster Than Apple M3: 21% Performance Leap Claimed

Qualcomm revealed its new PC chipset, the Snapdragon X Elite, a few weeks ago. This product aims to be a major PC breakthrough and go head to head with Apple’s M series chipsets, which are industry-leading. This could also be the next big thing for Windows machines.

During the Snapdragon Summit 2023 event, at which the Snapdragon X Elite was unveiled, Qualcomm compared it directly with the Apple M2. They claimed this chipset performs 50% faster than the M2 in multi-threaded performance. As for the single-threaded performance, the numbers shown promised the same peak performance with 30% less power consumption.

Qualcomm Compares Snapdragon X Elite to Apple M3

A popular media outlet, Digital Trends, recently reported that Qualcomm has compared their Snapdragon X Elite with the Apple M3. The M3 is the latest chip from Apple, and it came out soon after Qualcomm announced the Snapdragon X Elite.

Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite
Snapdragon X Elite

According to the report, the public relations manager of Qualcomm, Sascha Segan, claimed that their hardware is performing well. Qualcomm has also reportedly claimed that the Oyron CPU inside the Snapdragon X Elite is up to 21% faster than Apple’s M3.

The PR manager of Qualcomm has also made it clear that the experience is going to differ a lot; that is because Qualcomm tests its chip on Windows machines, while the M3 is exclusive to macOS.

Qualcomm has not yet been able to compare the Snapdragon X Elite to Intel’s 14th-generation chips. However, they claim that their Oyron CPU is faster than the best x86 CPU on the market. We should note that Qualcomm uses ARM architecture, and Intel uses x86 architecture.

Qualcomm has not shared any other numbers or data of any form. So, there is no way to test how valid their claims are. We will still have to wait a few months before the Snapdragon X Elite enters the market. Once people get their hands on PCs or laptops powered by this chip, we will see how well it lives up to these claims.

When will we see Snapdragon X Elite-powered PCs?

Qualcomm’s PR manager has advised people who want to try out this product to hold their purchases until the half of next year. This implies they aim to get the Snapdragon X Elite out in the markets by the second or third quarter of 2024.

Zaid is a tech writer at DealNTech, passionate about exploring and researching new gadgets and helping readers easily understand their features. He specializes in testing PC issues and staying up-to-date on the latest PC news. Email: [email protected].

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