Qualcomm has a processor catering to every category. We have the flagship 800 series processors, then the premium 700 series process, then the mid-range 600 series, and finally, the budget 400 series processors. As more and more phones come out every month, the demand for more 5G processors has spiked, resulting in Qualcomm launching several processors under the same series. The 700 series from Qualcomm has been a popular choice for many smartphone manufacturers like Google and Oneplus, and now they are further extending this line. There are already a lot of phones with Qualcomm Snapdragon 750G and Snapdragon 765G, and Qualcomm has launched a successor now dubbed the Qualcomm Snapdragon 780G. Let’s see how these three processors from Qualcomm stack up against each other.
Snpadragon 780G vs Snapdragon 765G vs Snapdragon 750G
Qualcomm Snapdragon 780G has the new Kryo 670 CPU that we see on the flagship Snapdragon 888 chip. The Snapdragon 765G, on the other hand, comes with older Kryo 475 CPU cores, which are clocked up to 2.4 GHz. The Snapdragon 750G surpasses the 765G as it features the newer Kryo 570 cores. So, the Snapdragon 780G definitely pulls ahead of the other two regarding CPU architecture. But that is not all. The Snapdragon 780G is also more efficient than its two competitors as it is built on a 5nm manufacturing processor. In comparison, we have the Snapdragon 765G built on a 7nm manufacturing process, while the Snapdragon 750G is built on an 8nm manufacturing process.
For AI, we have the Hexagon 770 processor for the Snapdragon 780G, the Hexagon 696 processor for the Snapdragon 765G, and the Hexagon 694 for the Snapdragon 750G. The newer generation AI processor in the Snapdragon 780G means faster AI capabilities, which will be useful for manufacturers looking to implement AI for better image processing and data handling.
The “G” at the end of all these three processors signifies that all of them have been optimized for gaming. But the Snapdragon 780G with the new Adreno 640 promises a 40% boost in gaming performance as compared to its predecessor 768G, which already has a better GPU than the Adreno 620 found in the Snapdragon 765G. The Snapdragon 750G comes with the inferior Adreno 619. So, if gaming is a priority to you, opt for a device with the latest 780G, as it will provide significantly better gaming performance as thane other 700 series Qualcomm processors.
All three of these processors support 5G connectivity. The Snapdragon 780G comes with the latest X53 5G modem, while the Snapdragon 765G and the Snapdragon 750G house the X52 modem. Strangely though, even with the newer modem, the Snapdragon 780G is only capable of Sub-6 GHz 5G, while the Snapdragon 765G and Snapdragon 750G are capable of both Sub-6 GHz as well as the superior mmWave 5G networks.
Both the Snapdragon 765G and the 750G are only Wi-Fi 6 ready, but the Snapdragon 780G has full-fledged support for Wi-Fi 6 along with the new FastConnect 6900 system.
Camera & Display:
The Snapdragon 780G comes with the Spectra 570 Image Signal Processor, which is definitely superior to the Spectra 355 ISP and Spectra 355L ISP found on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 765G and Snapdragon 750G respectively. All three of these Image Signal Processors have single camera support of 192MP with no ZSL(Zero Shutter Lag). But with ZSL, the Spectra 570 found in the Snapdragon 780G can support a single camera with up to 84MP, significantly better than the 36MP support we see with the Spectra 355 and 355L.
The Snapdragon 780G can drive an FHD+ display with a refresh rate of 144Hz. The Snapdragon 765G, on the other hand, is capable of driving an FHD+ at 120Hz. And the Snapdragon 750G also supports Full HD+ at 120Hz. But it depends on the smartphone manufacturer whether they cholude such a high refresh rate or high-resolution display with a premium mid-range device.
Additionally, all three of these processors are capable of QuickCharge 4+.
So the Qualcomm Snapdragon 780G looks like a worthy upgrade over the previous-gen series processors with the more efficient 5nm manufacturing process and the latest Kryo 670 CPU cores. The improved GPU performance also makes it a winner among these three processors for graphics-intensive tasks.