Samsung made huge profits with its entry-level J series, and we saw the launch of the 2017 edition of Galaxy J2 in October. Soon, a variant of the Galaxy J2, dubbed as J2 Pro (2018), was spotted on GFXBench and GeekBench with model numbers SM-J250F and SM-J250G, which we believe are the same devices. Today, a couple of 3D renders were leaked along with a 360-degree video, which gives the first impression of the device.
The Galaxy J2 Pro (2018) will be the successor to the J2, launched last year with the major attraction of an LED ring around the rear camera that enabled the much-hyped Smart Glow feature. The next year’s version will likely skip this feature but may come with a front flash for low-light selfies, as the renders indicate. The device is expected to be available in Black, Silver, and Gold.
The overall design bears Samsung DNA with rounded corners and a plastic body with a removable back panel. There is an oval home screen button, which will not have a fingerprint sensor. The right side holds the power button, and the volume rocker is on the left. A micro USB is below, and a 3.5 mm jack is on the top.
From the previous reports, the device would be powered by a Qualcomm quad-core Snapdragon 430 SoC clocked at 1.4 GHz (based on Cortex-A53) along with an Adreno 308 GPU. There will be a 5-inch display with a 960 x 540 pixels resolution. The device will likely offer 2 GB of RAM and feature 8 MP and 7 MP cameras on the back and front, respectively. Autofocus, face detection, HDR, and LED flash are additional features. The device will likely run Android 7.1.1 Nougat, but according to a leaked list, the device will surely get an Oreo update. The new upgraded version looks great with a bigger display and upgraded specs than the previous one.