Moto X4 was first announced in September this year at IFA Berlin and was launched in India in November. There was a regular and an Android One variant, which will get up to two years of software updates. Google promised that the Android One edition would be updated to Android 8.0 Oreo before the end of this year and to Android P whenever it will be available.
Google’s Project Fi for Moto X4 is here, and users are beginning to receive the Android 8.0 Oreo update in the US. The OTA (over-the-air) update comes with Build number OPW27.1 which is about 1 GB in size. It also carries the December security patch and all of the new features introduced with 8.0 Oreo-like Notification dots, Autofill, Picture-in-Picture, and the latest emoji.
This update is only available for the Android One variant of the Moto X4. Given that it is an OTA upgrade, this will take some time, but ultimately, the other models will also get the software upgrade.