Honor recently got separated from Huawei. They’re now free to use the Android OS and are away from the restrictions imposed on Huawei. They will now launch their number of smartphones to grow up in the market. Now, they are gearing up to launch their foldable smartphones. They will soon launch their foldable smartphone, namely Honor Magic Fold, and a flip phone similar to the Galaxy Z Flip, namely Honor Magic Flip. Hinting towards the launch, the devices have been listed officially on China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) patent authority.
The devices were registered on the website on 7 June 2021. On the other hand, a report from Display Supply Chain Consultants suggests that Honor launch their Honor Magic Fold smartphone in 2022. The report further says that it will likely compete with the foldable smartphones in the market, like Samsung Galaxy Fold and the recently launched Xiaomi Mi Fold devices. Additionally, the BOE and Visionox will supply the display part of the devices.
Apart from this, we don’t have any more information to share, neither the official nor the leaks. But, to compete with the other smartphones in the market, the upcoming Honor foldable will bear powerful hardware. Moreover, they will use the Android operating system as they’re now separated from the Huawei group. Not to be specific, but it might be powered by the flagship Qualcomm Snapdragon chipset or Huawei’s Kirin HiSilicone chips. Well, for the expectations, the device might use the POLED display with a high refresh rate panel.
Also, due to separation, we might expect the device’s specifications to differ from Huawei’s foldable, namely Huawei Mate X2. There’s no official clearance on which markets the smartphones will enter, But as it is certified in CNIPA, the China debut of the device is strongly confirmed.