Google launched the first Developer Preview of Android 14 in February 2023. They have also shared the road map of its development until the official launch. The second Developer Preview was released on March 8, 2023. The public beta builds of Android 14 are expected to arrive around April, and we can expect the stable final release around August this year.
One UI 6 (Android 14) for Samsung devices
Now that we are on this topic, let us talk about Samsung and its software skin, One UI. Android 14 for Samsung Galaxy devices will come with One UI 6. The beta testing of One UI 6 may start around the end of July or early August later this year. Once the software is stable, the polished update will begin rolling out within a few weeks.
We can expect the One UI 6 update to bring all new features introduced in the stock version of Android 14 that will be launched by Google, along with some extra features Samsung may decide to add on top. Speaking of the timeline of software updates, Samsung is currently at the top in the Android market. They have improved by leaps and bounds over the last year. Almost all the supported devices got the Android 13-based One UI 5 update within a few months. So, we can also expect the same from the South Korean tech giant this year.
Galaxy S10 Lite One UI 6 Update Status
- The Galaxy S10 Lite will not get the One UI 6 update based on Android 14.
The Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite was launched by Samsung back in 2020 around the start of the year, about 11 months after the rest of the Galaxy S10 series. It was launched with Android 10, which was the latest. It received the Android 13-based One UI 5 update as its third major Android upgrade. Unfortunately, that was also the last major update it would get since it does not fall under the list of devices eligible for four major Android upgrades, according to Samsung’s new policy for software updates. However, it will still receive security patch updates for another year.
Galaxy Note 10 Lite One UI 6 Update Status
- The Galaxy Note 10 Lite will not get the One UI 6 update based on Android 14.
The Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Lite was launched by Samsung in January 2020, a bit earlier than the Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite and a few months after the launch of the rest of the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 series. Like the Galaxy S10 Lite, it also came with Android 10 out of the box. It currently runs on Android 13-based One UI 5, which would be its last major Android upgrade as it is not eligible for four major Android upgrades, just like the Galaxy S10 Lite. It will receive another year of security patches.